When you invest in STC, you’ll be buying shares in Senior Trust Capital. As a shareholder of STC, you’ll have an interest in the company’s assets, which includes loans to senior living community developers and/or equity investments. The revenue from loans delivers shareholders a regular steady income by way of a dividend, paid quarterly.
Senior Trust is not traded freely on an open market. Senior Trust anticipates making offers before 31st of March 2027 to repay capital as loan repayments occur. You will be able to accept any offer in whole or in part, subject to certain restrictions as detailed in the Product Disclosure Statement. This process is intended to provide liquidity to Shareholders. However, we acknowledge your circumstances may change prior to the capital repayment. Senior Trust has historically facilitated sales on behalf of investors over the past 12 years. However, Senior Trust cannot influence the sale price nor guarantee the availability of a buyer.
Drawing on the management teams 20 plus years’ experience in the industry the Directors have evolved a business model that targets experienced capable operators delivering high quality senior living solutions at the premium end of the market. High quality community facilities in superior locations have proven over the past twenty years to be consistent reliable performers.
The current return offered is 7.50 % per annum after
tax return. We pay the dividend quarterly for the quarters
ending March, June September and December.
Payment is made to your bank
account on the 14th of the month following the end of each quarter.
Any changes to returns will be advised in advance.
To maintain our track record of attractive
returns, we continually monitor the distribution rate. With the added
advantage of being a PIE investment fund, investors benefit from tax shelters
available in the senior living sector, enhancing your pre-tax
return. A Maximum tax rate of 28% is applicable to
this investment.
Payments are made by electronic transfer direct to your nominated account 14 days after the end of March, June, September and December quarters.
All Loans are secured and backed by personal guarantees of the operators, however, the investment and returns are not guaranteed. All risks are outlined in the Senior Trust Capital Product Disclosure Statement
Senior Trust Capital has an added advantage of being a PIE investment fund. Investors benefit from the tax shelters available in the senior living community sector, which enhances your effective pre-tax return. Distribution only takes into account New Zealand income tax and assumes:
1. Senior Trust Capital is a PIE for tax purposes and can take advantage of tax benefits arising from Senior Trust Capital’s equity investments in senior living communities.
2. The taxable benefits are currently anticipated to be available through to 31st March 2026.
3. No change in the relevant tax law.
You need to hold both a current New Zealand IRD number and Bank account to invest in Senior Trust Capital. We will advise of other information required to meet our obligations for Identity Verification on application.
It is used for the loan and equity placements Senior Trust Capital make are used to establish new or expand existing senior living communities, or to assist such ventures in capital restructuring.
Where Senior Trust Capital makes loans to senior living community operators, we are paid a return through interest and any other fees or charges payable by the relevant borrower. Senior Trust Capital also works to increase the net asset value (NAV) of the company’s shares through investing directly into senior living communities. This investment is re-valued each year by independent valuers specialised in the senior living industry. Our key investment objective is to invest in senior living community operators in a way that protects, and grows, our shareholders’ capital and maintains an attractive income return by way of dividend.
The loans made are typically secured by mortgages over senior living community land and/or property. In addition to a mortgage, Senior Trust Capital often also takes general securities over personal property, and guarantees and indemnities from persons associated with the relevant senior living community.
The minimum initial investment for shares in Senior Trust Capital is $5,000 and thereafter in multiples of $100.
If you’re not happy, we want to try and put things right. Please contact us by free calling 0800 609 600, email us at [email protected] or drop us a line:
Attention: John Jackson, Senior Trust Capital
PO Box 113120
Newmarket, Auckland, 1149
If we can’t resolve your complaint, you may contact our free external dispute resolution scheme. Senior Trust Capital Limited is a member of the Financial Services Complaints Limited (FSCL), a not-for-profit external dispute resolution scheme.
You can elect to reinvest your Quarterly distribution at any time. To request reinvestment please email us at [email protected] quoting you Holder number and name.
Yes. Please click Investor Portal button (located top of page) to access the Investor Portal. You will need to register the first time to request access and sign into your account. You will receive by post details of a simple process (including your unique password / STP code) to login, view and add to your investments with Senior Trust, as well as the ability to edit/maintain your personal details.
You can also view, download and print your Allotment/Distribution and Tax Certificates.
Please find below the 'Senior Trust Investor Documents Guide' for more information.
If you have any problems, please call 0800 609 600 or email [email protected] for assistance or to request a change of personal or other details relating to your investment.
New investor: Click on ‘Invest Here’ button (located top of page or footer), to access the easy to complete online application form. Type directly into the fields and submit form without needing a printer or scanner.
Existing Investors: Click on ‘Investor Portal’ button (located top of page). You will need to register the first time to request access details to your investor account portal. Simple instructions and details will be sent out by post (including your unique password) to login, view and add to your investments with Senior Trust.
If you already have your Senior Trust Password (STP), you can log in using your 6 digit Holder Number and STP code.
To view a step by step guide, please click on the link below:
If you have any problems, please call 0800 609 600 or email [email protected] for assistance or to request a change of personal or other details relating to your investment.
Ready to invest?
If you’d like to discuss this investment opportunity with us, or have any other questions about Senior Trust Capital, feel free to get in touch.